There's many things that I find fit my personality in Thailand. There are also a lot of Buddist temples in any part of any city in Thailand. They are all about the same and all have thier own thing that sets them apart.
My best friend Kristen recently visited from the States which was both encourging and exciting. I was able to practice a lot of Thai as I translated for 2 weeks straight ( wow I had no idea I could traslate that much or understand that much) It was very encouraging. I was also super encouraged by how my neighbors reached out to welcome Kristen. They knew she was like a sister and that we'd been friends for a long time, but it was encouraging to me to see how much my neighbors cared about me as they reached out to Kristen.
Kristen found her self remarking serveral times that there is lot about Bangkok that fits my personality. Thai's love to Dance and they love things to be cute. They have a phycial and slightly sarcastical sense of humor--they love to startle people and smile all the time. Thai's are hospitiable and generous. It's a big city with lots to do, but relatively easy to be know by local vedors and neighbors. Any Thai any where is usually up for starting conversation. (sometimes having more freedom than american culture allows eg... How much money does Kristen have in her bank account in the U.S, , but Thai's generally care about people.
My language partner in particular took it upon her self to show Kristen much of Thailand. We hung out with her several times including a day trip to a nieghboring ancient city (ayutitya). Kristen had her tourist books, but we didn't hit all the tourist spots. We did hit some local Thai hot spots and our favorite wat ( temple) which Kristen and I have sense titled "the wat of much randonmess." It's a must go see if you're in Thailand (just ask the Thai's). As I mentioned before Every wat is pretty much the same and every wat has it's own unique element to it. The wat of much randomness is unique (more than it is the same) because of it's BATHROOM. That's right known for being one of the most beautiful bathrooms in Thailand and the 1st airconditioning bathroom in a temple in all of Thailand. Each stall had it's own airconditioning complete with carpeted floors. It was amazing. If you haven't gone to the bathroom you haven't been to this temple. It's also decorated with clay children and plaster animals all over the grounds. You can feed ravinous large cat fish as well as see all the traditional temple things like bells and merit stands. Of all the touristy things in Thailand I've done so far. The wat of much randomness might be my favorite because if you know me I too am quite random.
children playing intruments
Is this the Thai verson of that one kid's sunblock in the US
Ahh it's me in clay form
No were not just weird, Were imitating clay fiqures behind us
Thanks Gop for taking us to the Wat of Much randomness. That and eating fresh Roti from ayutitya was definetly a highlight from the other wise really hot day.
oh my gosh that last picture is awesome. i can't get enough of the clay guys either. i'm not sure if they're really inspiring a feeling of worship and spirituality but i am overwhelmed by the cute-weirdness. (as i also am around you christy).
Just popping in to say hi. Hope your days are wonderful. Cute picture, and I can just see you making those cute "faces". Thinking of you!
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