Saturday, April 25, 2009


Blog post:
This week I heard one of my dear Pomona teenagers had been caught in the crossfire of a gang fight. With a shattered hip and a bullet lodged in his liver, he had to undergo surgery. Praise God that the doctor says after therapy he should recover fully. This kid Gebari is someone who has a very special place in my heart. While living near him in Pomona many people saw him as a trouble maker and up to no good, but we saw a genuinely thoughtful and kind teenager who wanted to do good, but sometimes got caught up in bad decisions. We saw a kid who was at a pivotal point in his life where he had to choose either to go with the “bad” crowd or stick it out with the “good” crowd. He was a teenage wrestling and excited about the good news of Jesus. Many times we didn’t have words to tell him --all we could do was love him, encourage the good we saw in him, let him cool down in our house when he was angry with those around him, pray for him and take him to church with us. After coming out of surgery one of his youth works (and my friend) went to visit him—this is what she reported….
“Gebari was eager to pray and hear the bible read. As he was falling asleep, I read him psalm 23. A few minutes after I was through, he said, with his eyes closed, "Can you read it to me again?" I gave him a crystal paper weight that says, "The Lord is my strength," he held it in his hand for a while, and then asked me to put it in a place where he could see it all the time. Gebari was wondering where everyone else was and asked me to bring some kids when I come back.:-) Brian and Megan went to visit him on Sunday evening. He also asked them to pray with him.”
Though I wish Gebari hadn’t been shot, I am so blessed by his willingness to let God be near him while he lies in an ICU hospital bed. I am so proud of this teenager. I am so proud of this teenager who is choosing good when his environment teaches him “Bad” is cool. I’m so encouraged that God can use us even when we don’t have words to say, even when we can’t see it till years later. I’m encouraged that God can use me as I hold on to hope for kids in Phothong --though their lives are so broken. I’m encouraged to see the kids here as precious children of God and not the burdens their parents treat them as. I’m so proud and blessed by Gebari. Please continue to pray for his complete healing and for God’s protection over his spiritual life. Please continue to pray for kids in Phothong to know that they are worthwhile. Pray for me to continue to have hope of God’s transformation of Phothong especially for what I cannot see yet.


johnsonpack said...

What a great testimony. Thanks for sharing it with us, Christy.
We love you and we continue to pray for your fruitfulness in Thailand.

chik said...

It's so easy to lose sight of how miraculous God is in the mundane everyday things. Thanks for the reminder.