Many things about this party were encouraging. here's just a few highlights.
I invited neighbors in Thai first and when Sara went around to reinvite them they all told Sara they understood me. Yeah!!! This feels like my first truely successful extensive communication.
Also when Sara went around reinviting nieghbors she was able to explain more about why were having the party. The Day Jesus rose from the Dead. We found out one women whom we hang out frequently with was very familiar with Easter because she used to go to church reguarly. After Sara said the party was for Easter she started telling her "testimony" to a typically critical crowd the gospel. About 10 years ago she could hardly read, but then soon after going to church she could read the whole bible. Jesus also healed her of a phyicial ailament and restored a dying women in the neighborhood when people from the church prayed for her. She in all seriousness said, "I believed." Unfortunately the church was really far and the women who used to take her couldn't anymore. She also felt that she had to be Buddist because she is Thai. It was so exciting to hear a Thai women telling her testimony to other Thais.
It took a humble easter party to remind her of how Good God is. Pray God will show her that his is the God of the Thais and that she can come back to him. Pray for Sara and I as we try to be a model of Christ and Christian community.
The other exciting thing was when new peole would come into the party who hadn't heard Sara telling them about the reason for the celebration they would ask, "whose birthday is it?" One of the other thai's would respond, "oh nobody, it's the Day Jesus rose from the Dead." God was truely Good. God truely is good all the time.
I guess it's easy to say that cooking and cleaning in an 104* house was well worth the sweat and tiredness.
He has risen, He has risen in deed.
I'm so glad your Easter party went well. We are so proud of are willing to make such great sacrifices to show the Thai people God's love in Jesus. We are praying for you! Love, Jennifer and family
So smiling here, thinking of you and praying for all of you! Great post!
Klisteeee! It was so fun to hang out with you. I miss you guys already! Thanks for showing me your home and your life in Bangkok. I look forward to hearing and reading more. Try to stay dry!
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